Outback Roofing Videos
Buyer Beware
Roofing scams are all too common, and a reputable, ethical roofing company like Outback Roofing offers transparency, dependability, integrity and peace of mind. We believe in educating our clients, removing the mystery and confusion that often comes with insurance claims.
Important Things to Know About Your Roof
The Jeff Crilley Show Live with Chris Crutcher, Owner of Outback Roofing, Dallas, Texas. Chris gives a highly informative radio broadcast interview covering good roofing standards in the selection of a reputable roofer and the need for licensing the roofing industry in North Texas. Chris Crutcher is a past president of the Roofing Contractors Association of Texas (RCAT) and is actively involved in legislation that will help ensure that homeowners receive quality workmanship and services when installing a new roof.